How to Improve Reading Skills For IELTS

How to Improve Reading Skills For IELTS. To obtain the required band score for your application to study or work in your desired location, you must put in your best effort, whether taking the IELTS Academic or General Training exam.

To do this, you have to master every aspect of the IELTS exam style, including the reading portion, essentially just reading and correctly answering questions.

This article will review tips and strategies to help you read quickly and perform better on exam day!

Knowing the IELTS Reading Exam

How to Improve Reading Skills For IELTS

One of the most crucial components of the EILTS test is the reading portion, which assesses your ability to grasp arguments, perspectives, and intentions, recognize key concepts, and extract relevant data.

The academic and general IELTS reading sections run 60 minutes and assess your reading comprehension. There are forty questions in each. You have 60 minutes to complete the answer sheet at that time.

Types of IELTS Reading Questions

Types of IELTS Reading Questions. The following are the most typical kinds of reading exam questions that you can encounter:

  • Completion of sentences
  • True or false, not provided
  • Completion of the flowchart, summary, remark, and table
  • Multiple-choice
  • Matching sentence ends
  • Diagram label completion
  • Corresponding data
  • Coordinating headers 
  • Quick-answer inquiries

Some Reading Tips for IELTS to Improve Your Score

1. The Answers Are Always Paraphrased

This is the most crucial IELTS reading tip.

The text can inform you if your response is 100% correct and is always paraphrased. What does it signify, and how does it function?

This implies that to select the appropriate response from the list. One must always find a paraphrased passage that expresses the same idea as the original text.

The IELTS reading exam aims to assess how well you comprehend complicated language.

It will evaluate your comprehension of the same (or comparable) concepts concealed by various wordings and idioms.

2. Skimming

You won’t pass the IELTS exam if you read leisurely, unhurriedly.

Learn how to skim. This reading strategy helps you quickly scan information using keywords and rapid eye movement.

Skimming is reading quickly to gain a broad understanding of the content. Here’s a summary:

  • To have a sense of the main points of the work, carefully read the opening paragraph.
  • The primary concept of the text may be found in the first few sentences of each paragraph, so pay attention to them.
  • The last paragraph usually includes the summary, so always read it carefully.

3. Scanning

Reading quickly to locate particular data is known as scanning.

IELTS reading exam questions frequently feature names, dates, figures, and unfamiliar terminology that you must define to complete the question.

While scanning, be sure to:

  • Always highlight crucial details, figures, and facts. You are not required to read every word. Watch for details such as names, dates, figures, statistics, etc.
  • Determine the keyword from the question and look for it and any synonyms in the text. This will facilitate a quicker search for the solution.

It is crucial to be quick, attentive and focused. You should scan the paragraph in three minutes for the test.

4. Don’t worry About Unfamiliar Terms

Make an effort to explore the new term. You can determine if the statement refers to a person or a job, an animal or a characteristic, or something else entirely based on its content. 

  • Prefixes like un-, which cancels an action; re-, which repeats; and -wise, which refers to something, might be useful. 
  • Grammar is also useful since it may explain what this word is like if it appears before a noun.

Remember to study prefixes and suffixes for your reading test and broaden your vocabulary.

Please don’t panic if neither of these solutions works. Proceed to the following query and then return to the confusing section. 

5. Boost Your Reading Ability

You must increase your reading speed throughout exam preparation to get the most out of the 60 minutes allotted for the IELTS reading exam.

Here are some points on increasing your reading speed.

  • Instead of jumping from one word to the next, widen your reading focus to encompass three words at a time. Expand it to around five words at each glance, three at a time.
  • You may accelerate by using a pointer. The pointer will rest between every three words. You will advance more quickly if you go through the text more quickly.
  • Do not compromise understanding in haste. It’s quite simple to skim an article and forget everything.


We have provided you with some helpful tips you can use to improve your IELTS reading ability. To ace your IELTS experience, we introduce you to some hacks that you can use to top up the game. We offer leaked IELTS exam papers that can provide you with an insight of your test date. Also, we offer IELTS without exam and scores modification procedure to help you improve your scores.

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